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Todd Birch
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BELL Brass

Post by Todd Birch »

It's my info that BELL is out of the business of 'consumer brass' - again.

I called all the usual suspects looking for .50-70 and all of them said "we wish....."

I was able to locate two Canadian dealers who had 100 rounds between them. Now they don't - I bought it.

The only brass I can compare it to is Bertram and Bertram comes out the loser with burrs inside around the flash hole and a few in every 20 that won't fit the shell holder without force.

BELL brass was expensive, but well worth the price difference. We don't stint on our rifles, moulds and sights, why do we skimp on the cost of brass?

I've heard that Starline needs to refine their .50-70 brass which they will undoubtedly do. I remember a time you couldn't give away their CAS brass until they cleaned up their act. Lack of uniformity in length being the main problem. Now it's top of the line.

The fact that BELL is doing government contract work tells me that they must be a quality firm. Hopefully they'll resume consumer brass production in future.

C.Sharps has .50 Basic brass as do others, but you need to chop, etc. More work than I wanted to do. More cost involved as well, but it's always an option.


Like I said, if people don't like venison or any other game, it hasn't been handled or cooked properly.
I've fed bear roast to people telling them it was venison. They wolfed it down none the wiser.
If you took prime beef and treated it the way a lot of game gets treated, you wouldn't enjoy it either.
I remember being present when two huge moose were being weighed in ahead of mine. They quarters were so mud covered, the cutter wouldn't allow them in his shop! He hosed them down and told the hunters that they were going to lose 15% of weight after he trimmed them.

They had foolishly skinned the quarters before dragging them 1/2 mile along a lake shore to where they could be flown out. Leaving the hide on would have prevented a lot of that.
They said they were concerned about cooling the meat and the cutter suggested that they could have just left the meat in the lake for a few hours.
Our local game cutter tells me he hangs buffler for three weeks. Big carcass - lots of aging.

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Lee Stone
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Post by Lee Stone »


Judging by the "New" Bell website, I would have to surmise that both your and my information is correct. When one brings it up:

it is quite obvious that it is strictly government oriented, that is unless one is shopping for 40mm or 81mm ammo. :roll: (Click on the "Products" bar and you will see what I mean. Now someone tell me, what in the heck is 40mm Sponge ammo? :? )
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Trigger Dr
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Post by Trigger Dr »

Our local meat cutter (Farmer George) and the Schuerman's bopth recommend at least 2 weeks aging.
Being the rebel that I am, My Buff was in the freezer in 2 days. When I would pick up one of the steaks, if I let my finger get crazy it would poke clear through a 1 1/4" steak. Now that is T E N D E R
The meat does have a slightly different taste but is by no means gamey.
A little trick for gamey meat, simply sprinkle it liberally with dry onion soup mix prior to cooking. GAMEY TASTE IS GONE.
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Lee Stone
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Post by Lee Stone »

Actually the Bell (Mast) site address I previously listed is for government purchases. Here is the new Bell (Mast) site address:

And if you click on "Case Prices", you will see where I got the information that they had sold their Nevada production facility in which they made consumer brass.
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Lee Stone
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Post by Lee Stone »

I just received the following e-mail from Starline in response to my inquiry regarding production of .50/90 brass. Needless to say I was quite gratified with their answer. :D


We will be making the 50-90 brass at the beginning of the new year but have no set date as of yet. Give us a call in the new year and hopefully we can give you a date.

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