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Re: new Shiloh web page

Post by rdnck »

Cody, just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's BS. Let me ask you this: Are you willing to stand at 500 yards and let me shoot at you with my Sharps using barrel sights? I didn't think so. Consider this. You would make a piss poor excuse for a buffalo hunter and starve to death on the plains, not to mention get scalped if you couldn't shoot accurately beyond 200 yards. These rifles are a lot more capable than most of the men that own them and the knowledge of how to use them has almost been lost today. Silhouette has actually trapped you and a lot of other guys and their rifles into a very narrow niche and keeps guys from learning how to use their rifles to the full potential of a Sharps. rdnck.
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Re: new Shiloh web page

Post by Kenny Wasserburger »

I have know Bill aka Rdnck, a long time... He can to amazing things with barrel sights that most of us can't, mainly because we never try.

Lastly, I know he is an excellent shot, at my match his record stands of 48/50 at my 600 yard target. I know, I was spotting for him.

I know another fellow who says he is coming to Raton, never does, Bill has been there but suffers badly from altitude sickness, when there.

Kenny Wasserburger

Ps I am planing on getting a lawerence rear sight for my business rifle I do ok with buckhorn but it's not the correct sight for hunting in my opinion.
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Re: new Shiloh web page

Post by jackrabbit »

rdnck wrote:Cody, just because you can't do it doesn't mean it's BS. Let me ask you this: Are you willing to stand at 500 yards and let me shoot at you with my Sharps using barrel sights? I didn't think so. Consider this. You would make a piss poor excuse for a buffalo hunter and starve to death on the plains, not to mention get scalped if you couldn't shoot accurately beyond 200 yards. These rifles are a lot more capable than most of the men that own them and the knowledge of how to use them has almost been lost today. Silhouette has actually trapped you and a lot of other guys and their rifles into a very narrow niche and keeps guys from learning how to use their rifles to the full potential of a Sharps. rdnck.
These are the parts that piss me off Bill. First you tell me what I can't do. Second you make the false assumption that you are the greatest BPCR shooter in the world and put yourself above such men as Brian Chilson or Brad Rice. And third, you continually downgrade silhouette and the extraordinary riflemen that win. I never said you can't shoot barrel sights well, or that you can't kill something at an extended distance.

Here is what you and no other riflemen can not do everytime. Walk to the edge of the timber, take a careful aim and put a bullet through the heart of an elk at 427 yards with a BPCR rifle with black powder and barrel sights. The old guys couldn't do it either. There are multiple stories of them having to take ranging shots to find the range, then they went to killing them. O.P. Hanna described this very thing on his first trip out with Jim white. They also didn't really care if they wounded something. Ethics have changed. Anyone that has shot much silhouette knows how much elevation change will occur between months when shooting at the same exact target with the same gun and load. At turkeys my extreme high to low elevation difference between months is close to two feet. I know you are going to be close, and you may even get lucky once in a while, but you and no one else will be able to do it everytime. I also know that if you had a ranging shot or two, you could come pretty dang close or probably even hit it. But there are no ranging shots these days and if you are you not confident you are going to kill the animal, then you shouldn't be shooting at it. I contend that the vast majority of good shots cannot do what I described at much distance past 200 yards. Any attempt to make new and unknowing shooters think they can do this is a disservice. Furthermore, if a guy cannot smoke ten in a row turkeys pretty regular, he sure ain't going to shoot an elk in the heart at 400 yards. The turkeys are much larger than the kill area of an elk. Putting chickens on the turkey line would be a closer approximation. The very best shots in the world would struggle to hit chickens on the turkey line, and none would hit very many without first being able to take sighters and fouling shots. Your supposed idea that silhouette is easy or has "trapped us" is a load of shit. By shooting BPCR silhouette I have been able to take my shooting skills and understanding of marksmanship to a higher level than I ever thought possible. I have also had the privilege to meet and know some very exceptional riflemen that would easily hold their own against the very best of any era or discipline. If you think you are better, show up and show us. If you are not willing to show up, SHUT UP!
I am done, going moose hunting and will not be arguing anymore,
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Re: new Shiloh web page

Post by pete »

Yes I'm with you Cody. Targets are one thing hunting is another. The whole thing is intersting ..this from the Shiloh catalog.
"If you have become bored with hunting because it seems too easy with modern high power rifles and their telescopic sights, then perhaps you should consider becoming a Sharps hunter". "Of course by hunting with a rifle using iron sights and high trajectory cartridges you will be limiting yourself to practical ranges of 100 to perhaps 200 yards maximum for most game. That means you may not get as much shooting as the fellow with a modern scope-sighted magnum rifle, but as anyone who has brought home game with a Sharps can tell you, the satisfaction of hunting as the frontiersman did is imense."
I think this attitude is what most people who hunt with these guns have and I don't think it's right to tell them they need to learn to use their rifle so they can shoot farther. All this does is annoy, discourage and alienate people. I didn't take up black powder muzzleloaders and cartridge gun hunting because they were more efficient I took them up for the historical value and increased challenge .....not for long range shooting at animals.

Oh yea good luck on your moose hunt Cody.
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