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Best Deer I ever got!!!!!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 12:14 pm
by Bruce Richter
I have owned my 1874 Sharps for a while and have always had success with it. However, I have never taken anything exceptional with it. It never fails to thump whatever I have shot(does and small bucks) with only one shot apiece. This year is the exception. Opening day of Missouri's deer season was misting rain in the north central part of the state. My brother and I hunted in the morning, he with his new Encore .50
and me with my Sharps. I didn't have any oppurtunities. We stoped to have some lunch with plans to go back out. At 1:00 or so we went to our stands again. He suggested I go to the field edge and plop under a Pinoak tree. After his reasoning with me, I did it. Boy am I glad I did.
At 4:00 I saw this BIG buck coming across the south end of the field,about 350yrds. You could see he had a nice rack, I checked him out with my bino's and about dropped them, He was HUGE. I grabbed my
grunt tube and gave him a tute, or 2. He stopped, locked on like a bird dog and came straight to me. At 90 yards he stopped behind a small cedar, trying to hide and look for the mystery deer he heard. He took one step to the right, and exposed his chest. I was locked up on him with my rifle resting on my shooting sticks, trigger set. Boom!
He came running towards me, legs not working well, and fell 30 yards in front of me. Now I was getting nervous. I waited a few minutes to make sure. He was down for good. What a day! He is the biggest deer I have gotten, and I did it with my Sharps, finally! Our picture is posted on
the Trophy page, take a look!


Special deer

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:45 pm
by rdnck
Bruce--That is really a NICE whitetail. It's hard to find one like that anymore that doesn't come off a game farm. Taking a deer like that with a rifle as special as a Number One Sporter and barrel sights is what hunting is all about. Congratulations! Shoot straight, rdnck.

Caddo Lake Chapter

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 7:02 pm
by Ken Hartlein
Way to go Bruce, good job.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 7:09 am
by The Montanan
Bruce - Way to go, that sounds like a great hunt. Did you get any pics?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:55 am
by Bruce Richter

I have some other pics, different angles and such, got an e-mail address.?
And yes, this is a BIG deer, free range and all that.


Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 10:41 am
by The Montanan

E-mail address is

I recently started using for my pics, it's free.