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Results of the Hunting Trip

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:58 am
by Darryl
Well, I went and hunted that place Southeast of Midland, TX. over the weekend.
It was a fun trip. Driving interstate 10 between Kerville Texas and Ozona is an eye-gratifying experience. You really get to enjoy God's creation.

Anyway, I saw a lot of deer, including some really good looking bucks (young ones not ready, but good deer for their age).
Friday evening, I sat in a stand on the NorthWest end of the property. I saw 12 does and one nice young buck with a tall rack. (My friend told me that if I see a buck I can't live without, to go ahead and take it - but he urged me not to shoot young bucks because he's trying to get the property under management). There are by the way, some pretty nice bucks killed in Reagan County, Tx., so I decided to hold off shooting one of those 12 does in hopes of seeing a nice rack step out of the brush. Therefore, I did'nt shoot on Friday.

Saturday morning, I hunted the same stand. I only saw 4 does that came out really early before I could generate a decent sight picture. They left before it became more light, and I never saw them or any other deer. I tried calling for coyotes and was unsuccessful.

Saturday evening, I hunted a different stand on the SouthEast end of the property. By this time, I was getting anxious and wanted to get a doe. I committed to myself that I'd shoot the first doe I see regardless of whether or not it would mess up my chances of seeing a nice buck. All I saw that evening were decent bucks, no does, no spikes - I did'nt get to shoot.

Sunday morning - I returned to the same stand I hunted the previous evening. Again - committed to hammer the first doe that gave me an opportunity. Early at first light, I again saw some younger bucks. Then finally - a pair of doe started to make their way towards me from behind the direction I was facing.

I was sitting in a tower blind that was elevated with at least 12-14 feet off the ground. My eye-line was probably 15-17 feet.
The lead doe made her way from over my left shoulder and appeared on a trail 50 yards from the stand. I hammered her at a angle, deliberately going in behind the shoulders on a high lung shot so the bullet would take out the top of the right lung, and traverse the forward end of the left lung.

The shot worked perfectly. As you can see in the pictures, the bullet entered exactly where I needed it to, crossed diagonally through her and exited the tip of the front left shoulder. She ran on the shot a paced off 35 yards and dropped. She died nearly instantly after collapsing. In this particular case, I did get straightline penetration because the shotpath is exactly what I was attempting to achieve - knowing the angle she was standing on the trail as she was slightly quartering away from me.





Re: Results of the Hunting Trip

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:14 am
by Brent
Nice when the plan works as intended.

Many happy meals there!

Re: Results of the Hunting Trip

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:18 pm
by Darryl
Yes - many happy meals indeed.
When I was driving back to Katy Tx (440 Mile trip) the meat processor called me and told me that the buck I killed two weeks ago was ready. The timing was perfect since I ordered jerky to be made out of one of the hams on the buck and have not tried thiers yet. So I actually got to sample the jerky from the buck I killed prior to telling them what I wanted out of my doe.
That was some of the best darn jerky I have ever had in my life.
I told them to make both of the hams from this doe into jerky, butterfly the backstraps for me, and grind the rest into German sausage.

I've already got some backstraps from the buck marinating now. Can't wait to eat it.